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Making the World: Introduction to International Relations

This course is an undergraduate level introduction to the discipline of International Relations (IR). The course is structured to acquaint the students with both mainstream and critical approaches to the subject, examining how these theories conceptualize ‘the international’ as a field of study. The metamorphosis of the global political arena at an unprecedented pace provides a challenge for those who study politics. This course offers protean lenses to read the world: making it intelligible by offering an array of theoretical paradigms. The course is divided into three sections: the first sectionofreadingsreviewthe state ofthe fieldanditsorigins, askingwhose voiceshave dominated IR and whose interests and perspectives they speak. The second section provides an overview of the varioustheoretical frameworks that have come to define the field. The last section of the course concerns the future of the discipline highlighting some of the pertinent debates and questions to be addressed by the discipline. The overall objective of the course is to give students a broad grounding in the wide theoretical terrain of the field and to sensitize students to differences in the nature of knowledge claims (epistemology) and fundamental assumptions about social/international reality (ontology) as well as political and ethical implications of different theoretical approaches in IR.

Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka