Distinguished Visitors at KCDHA

Distinguished Visitor, Koita Centre for Digital Health, Ashoka University
Senior Consultant Radiologist, Teleradiology Solutions

Advisor, Koita Centre for Digital Health, Ashoka University
Co-founder and Chairman, Strand Life Sciences

Associate Professor of Computational Biology, Founding Head at Center of Excellence in Healthcare, IIIT-Delhi

Healthcare Architect and Principal Engineer at Intel Corporation

Distinguished Visitor, Koita Centre for Digital Health, Ashoka University
Ruth and O.C. Hubert Professor of Global Health and Epidemiology at Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Professor of Medicine at Emory University School of Medicine

Distinguished Visitor, Koita Centre for Digital Health, Ashoka University
Principal Scientist at IGIB-CSIR

Distinguished Visitor, Koita Centre for Digital Health, Ashoka University
Senior Consultant at Vishwanath Cancer Care Foundation

Distinguished Visitor, Koita Centre for Digital Health, Ashoka University
Head of the Infosys Centre for Artificial Intelligence at IIIT, Delhi
Distinguished Visitor, Koita Centre for Digital Health, Ashoka University
President of the AIIMS Rewari and Ex-IAS Officer
Distinguished Visitor, Koita Centre for Digital Health, Ashoka University
Chief Information Officer (CIO) at Karkinos Healthcare
Distinguished Visitor, Koita Centre for Digital Health, Ashoka University
Senior Consultant at Vishwanath Cancer Care Foundation