Abstract: Let $\omega(q)$ and $\nu(q)$ denote the third order mock thetafunctions of Ramanujan and Watson. In 2015, George E. Andrews, […]
In India, magic squares seem to have been known for more than two millennia. However, among the extant texts, a […]
Abstract: In India, magic squares seem to have been known for more than two millennia. However, among the extant texts, a […]
Heredity relies on genome sequence and on regulators assembled at the start of each generation. The diverse regulatory molecules […]
We invite you to a Townhall on Study Abroad for Ashoka Undergraduate students. In this meeting, we will go over […]
What do we know and what can we know about what war? Traditionally, international relations has primarily focused its attention […]
Abstract: The Selmer group of an elliptic curve over a number field encodes several arithmetic data of the curve providing a […]
Abstract: https://www.ashoka.edu.in/static/doc_uploads/file_1613633920.pdf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Kp-Hzzdr_Q
Abstract: Using microscopic price models based on Hawkes processes, it has been shown that under some no-arbitrage conditions, the high degree […]
Abstract: We consider a sequence of multinomial data, with multiple classes for each trial. We assume that the probabilities associated with […]
Abstract: Stark-Heegner points were first defined by Henri Darmon (McGill U.) about twenty years ago. These are p-adic rational points on […]
Abstract: For any two Hermitian matrices $A,B$, we shall say that $A \leq B$ if $B-A$ is positive semi-definite. Note […]