Postdoctoral Fellow in Physics
Dibya Chakraborty is a postdoctoral fellow in the Physics department working with Prof. Suratna Das. She got her doctoral degree from the University of Guanajuato, Mexico, in the year 2021. Shortly after completing her Ph.D., she commenced her first postdoc at the University of Puebla; after that, she joined Ashoka in the year 2022 for her second postdoc.
Her research interests include string phenomenology and theoretical cosmology broadly defined. Trying to address the open questions in theoretical cosmology is her main goal. Being a high-energy physicist, she also does model-building motivated by string theory. Her recent works include inflation, dark energy, brane-world models, and explicit de Sitter constructions in string theory. The details of her work can be found here ( )
She is a hardcore nature and music lover. She dreams of becoming a good/efficient cook and a skilled baker one day.