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Sugat Chaturvedi

Visiting Faculty of Economics, Ashoka University

Ph.D. Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi

Sugat Chaturvedi is a Visiting Faculty of Economics at Ashoka University and is completing his Ph.D. in Quantitative Economics at the Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi. His fields of specialization are political economy, labor economics, and machine learning applications. He is primarily interested in issues related to institutions, group identity, and conflict.

He has uncovered latent gender associations of words in job ads using machine learning to understand how they shape applicants’ job search behavior on an online job portal in India. He has investigated why gender quotas in local governments might affect the provision of publicly provided goods by exploiting the differential preferences of Hindu and Muslim women towards household toilets in rural India. He has also explored the effects of electoral systems, namely plurality rule and proportional representation, on the ethnic minorities’ access to political power and well-being in a cross-country setting. Currently, he is investigating the long-term effects of the Vietnam War on regional economic development.

Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka
