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Pooja Yashodhare

YIF Class of 2024

BCom, Finance and Accountancy, Christ University

Pooja Yashodhare is a sex educator, content creator, and political activist from Karnataka. She graduated from Christ University and has worked with various grassroots organisations on gender and equity issues. Pooja creates sex education content on social media and conducts workshops. She’s an alumnus of the Indian School of Democracy and was involved in the ‘Wake up Karnataka’ civil society movement during the 2023 elections. Passionate about her mother tongue Kannada, she aims to provide resources and opportunities to local people in her state. Currently, she’s focused on making sex education accessible to Karnataka’s youth in their language through her initiative Aayke. At the YIF, she aims to strengthen her practical on-field experience with a robust academic foundation.

Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka