The Undergraduate Programme
Ashoka University offers a multidisciplinary undergraduate programme, in the interest of exposing students to many different perspectives in and out of the classroom. Students might come to Ashoka already determined to specialise in one subject, but they are not expected to declare their Major until the middle of the second year.
Undergraduate at Ashoka helps students not only develop analytical rigour and reasoning capabilities but also connect science and humanity, society and policy, home and the world. They learn to ask the right questions – so that out of the many right answers, they find the ones most appropriate to solve the problems of your organisation.
University collaborations:
Unique Pedagogy
Ashoka believes in discussion-based inductive learning. Lectures are not just instructive, they are interactive. Students are challenged by important questions, professors push them to find answers; and the students, in turn, thrive on delivering. In one class the students might analyse state elections. In the next, present a business plan to venture capitalists. Each course pushes the students to go beyond first principles and explore conclusions deeply.
Summer Internship Programme
The Ashoka Summer Internship Program (ASIP) provides unique opportunities for undergraduate students to intern at corporations, research organisations, and social impact groups (NGO’s) or local schools in the summer. ASIP is a natural extension to our educational experience by adding a valuable professional experience while continuing to build leadership skills for the students.
Summer Abroad
The undergraduate students in Ashoka University can also choose to spend a summer or a semester abroad in the partnering Universities across the world. They can study any course/s in their Major, Minor, Compulsory Course/s, Elective/s, Extra Elective/s. The credits of the courses will be transferred while considering the credits for graduation or obtaining an admit to the Ashoka Scholars Programme.