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Department of International Relations

The undergraduate programme in International Relations at Ashoka University is designed for students interested in understanding historically shaped, socially diverse world events around them from multiple perspectives–political, economic, and sociological–to develop an intellectually rigorous and reflexive engagement with global affairs. The faculty at the department are committed to epistemic inclusivity and methodological innovation, offering a wide range of courses from introductory modules in international relations theory and international history, to advanced courses on security, globalization, gender, identity politics, ethics, foreign policy, populism, area studies and popular culture. The larger pedagogical philosophy of the department opens up possibilities for interdisciplinary engagements in allied fields including political science, history, sociology, and media studies. Apart from rigorous intellectual training, the department also organizes public seminars involving academic experts, policymakers, journalists, and professionals whose work is centered around international politics. The vibrant student society (Ashoka Society of International Affairs) contributes in fostering values of dialogue and creative engagement, adding to the strength of the department. In times of economic uncertainty, climate emergency and political polarization, our teaching and research aims to inculcate critical thinking skills through a supportive and stimulating environment among our students.


Faculty at International Relations

Faculty at the IR Department are at the cutting edge of various aspects of the discipline: India's diplomatic history; evolution of strategic thought in post colonial India; analysis of patterns of internationalist thought and behaviour in China, SouthEast Asia and Latin America; challenging Eurocentric frames of reference for understanding IR; and the influence of geopolitics on the making of foreign policy. Collectively, their research shapes the broader discussion and analysis of South Asia’s internationalist dilemmas, both within India and outside.

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Contact Us

For any queries regarding International Relations programmes, please contact: -

Quintijn Kat

Head of Department


Pratima Kadian

Department Manager


Ananya Madan

Student Representative



IR Handbook

Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka