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Residence Life

Residence Life at Ashoka University welcomes its students to a community of diverse and talented scholars residing in a close-knit and dynamic learning environment. The Residence Life Policy is dedicated to creating a safe, comfortable, and vibrant residential experience for students on campus. For civil and congenial participation in the campus residence life experience, students are expected to familiarise themselves and abide by this policy. Any violation of this policy will result in a disciplinary infraction with a consequent course of action as decided by the appropriate University committee.

Housing Facilities

Room and Roommate Assignment

A. Room Allocation

  1. At the beginning of the academic year, room allotment is made on a twin-sharing basis for the entire academic year as per the building-level assignments approved by the University.
  2. For emergency preparedness, the University needs to know the room assignment of each student living in campus housing. Students therefore may not change rooms or roommates without official authorisation.

Note: Students who are not enrolled in any academic courses will not be allotted a room within the University housing.

B. Disability related Accommodations

  1. Students are expected to self-identify any specific disability-related needs and raise their requests via email with the Office of Learning Support (OLS) at ols@ashoka.edu.in to avail housing accommodations prior to the start of the academic year. Incoming students may reach out to the Office of Admissions first while returning students (who have a newly-diagnosed condition or a change to a previously documented condition) can register directly with OLS.
  2. Students are required to provide comprehensive professional documentation of their disability to the Office of Learning Support. OLS will then assess and recommend housing accommodations (such as location, lights, washroom accessibility, ergonomic furniture etc.) to the Residence Life Office.
  3. The student must be willing to live in any Residence Hall and/or room that is determined to meet their disability/medical need by the University.
  4. All such accommodations will be made on a space-available basis and only for the concerned individual – not for a group.

C. Room Reassignment

  1. Both occupants may request a room change for non-functioning room facilities or any other difficult room experience related to the infrastructure.
  2. In all such situations, the concerned students should meet with their respective Warden for appropriate assistance.
  3. Once the Warden confirms the validity of the request made, they may recommend a room change for the occupants in consultation with the senior member(s) of the Residence Life Office.
  4. If the room change request is approved, the Residence Life Office will make an offer regarding the feasible arrangement. After the offer is made, the student will have 24 hours to decline or accept the offer. If the offer is accepted, the students will have 48 hours to move into the newly assigned room and return the keys for the previous assignment. If the students do not respond to the offer within the stipulated duration of 24 hours, the offer will be withdrawn by the Residence Life Office.
  5. Reassignments for special circumstances, such as a recommendation from the Office of Learning Support (OLS), serious facility-related problems that can be a potential life hazard etc., will be given the highest priority.

Important: Residence Life Office reserves the right to reassign any room if deemed necessary during the academic year.

D. Resident Rights

As a stressful living environment can affect a student’s academic performance and emotional well-being, Ashoka University is committed to ensuring that certain basic rights and duties are binding upon all students. These are –
1. The right to privacy
2. The right to free and uninhibited access to the allotted room at all times
3. The right to have the roommate and/or peers respect personal belongings
4. The right to study and sleep peacefully in the allotted room, free from any undue interference or hindrance from the roommate and/or peers

5. The right to be asked/consulted with and to grant/deny permission for having  peers invited over in the allotted room
6. The right to a hygienic and clean living environment
7. The right to free and uninhibited access to common spaces at all times
8. The right to be treated as equal without fear of harassment, intimidation, bullying, and physical and/or emotional harm
9. The right to discuss and resolve disagreements or conflicts in a respectful, civil, and open manner

Any violation of the above-stated rights can be reported to the concerned authorities for further action.

E. Roommate Allocation

Roommates are decided by the University with the help of relevant information provided by the students themselves through the Roommate Matching Form for incoming students. Returning students are allowed to choose their preferred roommates by indicating the same in the Roommate Preference Form shared by the Residence Life Office at the beginning of each academic year. All students are expected to room with students from within their own batch.

Residential Access

A. Keys

  1. Students will be issued keys to their allotted room including keys for the wardrobe and desk drawers at the beginning of the academic year. They will be responsible for keeping their keys safe as the University is not liable for losses/damages sustained to personal belongings because they lend their keys to another individual(s).
  2. Possession and/or misuse of keys belonging to other students is strictly prohibited and those found in violation will be liable for disciplinary action.
  3. Duplication of the keys and/or use of duplicate keys for unauthorised access is a punishable offense and will be reported to the concerned committee.
  4. If the key(s) is lost, a replacement key may be issued by the Residence Life Office subject to the availability of the concerned personnel. Any costs incurred for the replacement key will have to be borne by the student.
  5. Replacing, exchanging, or otherwise tampering with room/wardrobe door handles and locks is prohibited. If the lock is non-functional, it is expected that the student will reach out to the respective Warden for assistance.
  6. Students are required to entrust the Warden with any unattended keys that they chance upon anywhere on campus.
  7. Students are not allowed to leave their keys in their room or entrust their keys with their peers at the end of the academic year. They are expected to
    complete the check-out process, including returning the keys, themselves.

B. ID Card

  1. Incoming students are issued University ID Cards (HID enabled) by the Residence Life Office during the check-in process.
  2. Possession and/or misuse of ID cards belonging to other students is strictly prohibited and those found in violation will be liable for disciplinary action.
  3. If the ID card is lost, the student should immediately alert the Residence Life
    Office so that the card can be deactivated to prevent any misuse. A replacement will be issued subject to processing time. The cost incurred for
    replacing the ID card will have to be borne by the student.
  4. Students are required to entrust the Warden with any unattended University ID cards that they chance upon anywhere on campus.
  5. Students must carry their University issued ID cards at all times and produce it on demand by the security staff or any other authorised personnel. Failure to produce the ID card on demand may be treated as an act of misconduct if satisfactory reasons are not provided upon further enquiry.
  6. During the Exit Clearance process from the University, due to withdrawal from/completion of their academic programme, the students must surrender their ID card back to the Residence Life Office.

Residence Support

The Residence Life Office is managed through the efforts of a robust team of staff. The descriptions of their position are as below:

The Residence Life Office is led and overseen by the Associate Director who is responsible for maintaining discipline alongside, providing pastoral care and support within the Halls of Residence. The efforts of the Associate Director are supported by the dynamic programme and executive teams. The programme team comprises of the Deputy Director and Assistants. The executive team consists of the Senior Wardens and Wardens. Together, they are all responsible for providing an inclusive, safe, positive, and comfortable residential experience to students.

Each residential building is staffed by at least one executive team member from the Residence Life Office. Their primary role is to manage the student check-in and check-out process, respond to emergencies and disciplinar infractions, manage building infrastructure, coordinate in-hall housekeeping and maintenance staff, and conduct business necessary to the well-being of the student community. Concerns about Residence Life policies, sources of conflict in the hall, conduct, infractions or building infrastructure should be reported first to the Warden, before reaching out to the Associate Director.

Campus Living

Common Area Conduct

  1. Residence Hall balconies must be kept clean and neat at all times.
  2. Events and/or group activities are not permitted on Hall balconies without the written approval of the Residence Life Office. Please limit the number of people in such spaces and exercise extreme caution.
  3. Please keep washrooms clean after use and if found choked or unclean due to negligence or deliberate action repeatedly, the Housekeeping staff will not be expected to clean these areas and the students on that floor will have to take the responsibility to get it cleaned.
  4. The common rooms shall be open to students at all times subject to maintenance schedule and space bookings.
  5. The University is not responsible for money lost in vending machines.
  6. Students are strictly prohibited from monopolising the common areas.
  7. Sleeping in the common rooms and shifting furniture or removing it from a designated area to change the interiors of the common rooms fundamentally is not permitted.
  8. Playing games in the hallway, obstructing high-traffic areas (such as doorways, hallways, stairwells) directly and/or through decorations/displays, and all forms of vandalism including but not limited to tampering with emergency signage/response materials (fire extinguishing facilities, exit signs) is strictly prohibited.
  9. Upon any damage or loss to University property in common areas including but not limited to the lounge, floors, corridors, washrooms and reading rooms, costs incurred for the purposes of repair or replacement will be billed to the student(s) found responsible.
  10. Advertising and publicity materials (i.e. fliers, posters and banners) can be posted only on bulletin boards and only by members of the Ashoka community. All fliers/posters must clearly identify the name of the individual or organization responsible for the content. They should be limited to one per bulletin board and must not block windows, doorways, or walkways. The individual who posted the materials is responsible for removing any fliers/posters after the event or opportunity being advertised has ended. No one should cover or remove another’s flier, poster or banner.
  11. Blackboard/Spray chalking is strictly prohibited on walls of Residences Halls as well as all fixtures and will incur a cleaning fee.
  12. Access to non-residential spaces (e.g. attics, mechanical rooms, equipment rooms, roofs) is restricted to authorized university personnel.

Quiet Hours

  1. In an effort to encourage a comfortable studying and resting environment for all students, Quiet Hours on the entire campus, including the Residence Halls, are to be observed between 01:00 am to 07:00 am every day.
  2. During Quiet Hours, students are expected to refrain from playing music or creating loud noise in the Residence Hall rooms, washrooms, hallways etc.
  3. Even at all other 7times, students are expected to not cause 8disturbance to other members of the Ashoka community.
  4. Construction, renovation, and repair projects (both on and off campus) will necessarily cause increased noise around directly involved and nearby Residence Halls. While all possible measures are taken to minimise the impact of these projects, any student moving into or living in affected areas should be prepared to accept the unavoidable aspects of life on campus under construction and post-construction.
  5. Students moving out of the University campus to adjoining village areas and institutions must ensure that they do not create any disturbance that will inconvenience the residents of the neighbourhood.

Policies and Regulations

Residence Life is governed by various rules and regulations to ensure seamless functioning and harmonious and healthy living conditions for one and all. Listed below is a brief outline of these rules and regulations:

  1. Ashoka University Campus – including the Residence Halls – is an alcohol-free, smoke-free and drug-free campus, governed by national, state and university laws and regulations for the same.
  2. The University does not permit both check-in and check-out from the campus between the hours of 12:00 AM (midnight) to 6:00 AM. This means that no student is allowed to enter/exit campus after 12:00 AM (midnight) and no student is allowed to enter/exit campus before 6:00 AM.
  3. Off-campus visitors will not have access to the Residence Halls. They are allowed to visit students on campus between 8:00 am and 108:00 pm. Parents/Guardians will be permitted to access their ward’s room during moving-in at the time of Orientation and moving out at the end of the academic programme (and on occasions of medical emergencies, with prior knowledge and approval of the respective Warden.) Off-campus students are expected to carry their University ID Card with them and sign in at the front desk to gain admittance inside the Residence Halls. They will not have access to the resident rooms but may meet with their peers in the Common Room of the Residence Hall.
  4. The movement of students visiting Residence Hall rooms is allowed both ways across men’s and women’s Residence Halls between 8:00 am and 12:30 am. The students must sign in and sign out manually through registers maintained at the entrance of all Residences Halls.
  5. However, the rights of the roommate supersede the privilege of visitation i.e. visitation is a privilege that is subordinate to the resident’s rights such as the right to privacy and the right to free and uninhibited access to the room. Therefore, a resident’s request for any guest to leave their room must be honoured, irrespective of the visitation hours and regardless of the sex or gender of the guest.
  6. Misuse, duplication, and/or lending of your keys and ID Card is prohibited.
  7. Students will be personally responsible for the maintenance of their rooms, furniture, bathrooms and University property in their use. The University does not take responsibility for the personal belongings of students on or off campus.
  8. Students are prohibited from having private vehicles, pets, weapons and weapons-grade material within campus premises.

Note: Kindly refer to the Residence Life Policies available on the myAshoka portal for more details.

Community Programmes

The Residence Life Programme at Ashoka University comprises of a wide variety of vibrant social, educational, recreational and cultural programmes that are run and led by the Residence Life Staff and students. These Residence Life Programmes are centered around the core values and principles of civic responsibility, citizenship, empathy, respect, diversity, inclusion, self-care, health, and wellness. The focus of these programmes is to help foster a sense of community among residents giving them ample opportunities to meet, interact, bond and have fun together.

The Resident Assistantship Programme

Resident Assistants (RAs) are paraprofessionals who live on a floor with 40-70 residents, managing critical administrative tasks as well as the primary responsibility of responding to the personal needs of these residents. Their unique positions, as quasi-staff members within the Residence Halls, allow them to act as a force for positive change in the lives of the students with whom they interact.

The RA Programme aims to create an inclusive living environment in the Halls of Residence and works towards fostering an environment that embraces diversity and actively values the dignity and self-worth of all members of the community. This is done by the RAs through various active community programming efforts on the floor and across the Residence Halls, regular one-on-one office hours, periodic floor meetings etc. The RAs also plan and host a plethora of social and educational activities for residents thus, enabling a positive living environment in the Residence Halls. These range from events addressing issues of gender & sexuality and self-care to floor cook-offs and game nights to name a few.

The Resident Assistant Coordinators (RACs) along with the RA Mentors supervise and manage the RA Programme. The RACs work in tandem with the Dean (Office of Student Affairs) and the Associate Director (Residence Life Office) to develop the RA Programme as a whole. The RACs also serve as mentors to students, and are available during selected business hours to discuss concerns related to Residence as well as Campus Life.

Follow us on Instagram : aura._ashoka

Dorm Olympics

Dorm Olympics is one of the biggest and most sought-after events organised in the Residence Halls. It began in 2016 with the hope of building the feeling of togetherness and community in a fully residential campus. The fifth edition of the Dorm Olympics, held virtually in February of 2021, was a huge success with the participation of over 300 Ashokans. The event saw participation from all constituencies of the University including students, administration and support staff. Some of the competitive events organised as part of Dorm Olympics include Donuts in a String, Cow Drop, Pani Puri Eating Competition, Dizzy Penalties.

To know more, follow us on Instagram : dormolympicsashoka


Coffee and More…!

Coffee and More…! aims to create a private, safe space for conversations where students can freely engage with issues and challenges, they face in their everyday lives. These conversations cover a wide range of subjects such as fitness and nutrition, life after college, safety on substance, sleep problems, safe sex practices, reproductive health, bullying, everyday sexism, sexual harassment and much more. By inviting faculty, staff and experts, the series aims to demystify and destigmatize these subjects, allowing for open, free-flowing conversations. Their aim is twofold- one of creating opportunities for an empathetic listening and awareness; other enabling students in dealing with real life challenges and situations towards making an informed choice.

The Great Ashokan Weekend

The Great Ashokan Weekend was initiated with the purpose of facilitating student interaction with staff and faculty in a fun and informal setting. Each event of the great Ashokan Weekend is designed as a walk-through of the campus moving between key landmarks on the premises. Despite being held online, the event saw active participation from faculty, staff and students in 2020. Some of the events organised as part of the Great Ashokan Weekend were Pitch Please, Ashoka Family Feud, Fantasy Mess Menu, Pajama Dance Dazel.

Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka