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Ashoka University launches School of BioSciences

Ashoka University launches the School of BioSciences, aided by very generous philanthropic contribution of Mr. Ashok Trivedi on January 25, 2020.

Office of PR & Communications

26 January, 2020 | 3 min read

The School of Biological Sciences at Ashoka will focus on research in emerging areas in Biology such as synthetic biology, data science (including applications of artificial intelligence), biodiversity, ecology (including chemical ecology) and evolution as well as innovations in undergraduate and postgraduate Biology education. The School will heavily emphasise on both discovery science and its applications towards addressing wider societal problems. 

Six high-quality faculties and a dozen PhD scholars are currently working on exciting and diverse projects in Biological Sciences. With new state-of-the-art building and research infrastructure, this number will grow stronger in both number and quality. We would reach a steady-state size of about 250 strength of faculty and students by 2025. 

The Scientific Advisory Board for the School will be led by Nobel Laureate and President of the Royal Society, Sir Venkatraman ‘Venki’ Ramakrishnan. Other members of the Board include Nobel Laureate Jack W. Szostak (Professor of Genetics, Harvard University), Satyajit Mayor (Director, National Centre of Biological Sciences), James Collins (Professor of Biological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology), and Ronald Vale, (Vice President, Howard Hughes Medical Institute). They will help establish the research and teaching agenda.

Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka