Course Objective: The dynamic field of computer networking involves many concepts, protocols, and technologies that are woven together in an intricate manner. The Internet is the largest computer
network that interconnects hundreds of millions of computing devices throughout the world. This course will use the Internet as the principal vehicle for discussing computer networks and their protocols. Despite
the fact that the Internet is extremely large and has numerous diverse components and uses, there exist guiding principles and structures that can provide a foundation for understanding such an amazingly
large and complex system. This course will ensure that students grasp a comprehensive understanding of the guiding principles and overall structure, empowering them to navigate the intricacies of computer networking with confidence and expertise.
Pre-requisite: Students should have finished the introductory CS sequence
- Introduction to Computer Programming, and
- Computer Organization and Systems.
– Network architecture, layering, and protocols.
– Physical Layer: Overview of the Physical Layer’s role and its primary responsibilities, which involve transmitting raw bit streams over physical media. Data encoding, Transmission modes, Physical layer devices.
– The Link Layer and Local Area Networks:
∗ Link Layer Introduction and Services
∗ Encoding, Synchronization, and Framing
∗ Error Detection: parity checks, checksum methods, cyclic redundancy check (CRC)
∗ Reliable Transmission: Stop-and-wait Protocols. Sliding window Protocols.
∗ Multiple Access Protocols: Random Access Protocols (ALOHA)
∗ Link Layer Addressing: MAC addresses
∗ Local Area Networks (LANs)
∗ Ethernet. Topology, Frame structure, and CSMA/CD MAC protocol.
∗ LAN Extension: Link layer switches, packet switching.
– Network Layer: Internetworking:
∗ The Internet Protocol (IP).
∗ The IP service model.
∗ Routers, Subnets, Domain.
∗ IP Addressing.
∗ ARP Protocol
∗ Dynamic Host configuration Protocol (DHCP)
∗ Routing Algorithms.
∗ Intra-domain routing: Link-state routing, Distance-vector routing, RIP, OSPF.
∗ Inter-domain routing: BGP.
– Transport and Application Layers Protocols:
∗ Transport layer service model.
∗ Transport layer protocols: Connectionless transport (UDP), Connection-oriented transport (TCP)
∗ Network Address Translation (NAT)
∗ Application-level protocols
∗ Web and HTTP
∗ Domain name service (DNS)
∗ Socket Programming