Department of Biology
Promoting a culture of exploration and collaboration across all areas of research and study, the undergraduate programme in Biology is targeted at students with strongly developed interests in Biology. Courses will also be offered for non-majors interested in learning more about Biology or for meeting their scientific temperament needs.
Office of PR & Communications
9 January, 2021 | 5 Mins readCourses for Biology majors will provide a strong foundation for research and as well as for careers in the biological sciences, medicine, pharmaceutical and biotech industry, teaching and other related fields. A prospective Biology major student is required to complete 12 core courses in Biology and suggested optional courses in Science and Biology along with the mandatory requirement of 12 foundation courses.
Students who wish to enhance their research pursuit beyond the institutional requirements of B.Sc. in Biology can pursue the 4th year in Biology, which will include courses in Physiology, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Landmark studies in Biology, Plant Biology and project work.
Click Here for a detailed syllabus.