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EducationWorld ranks Ashoka University 2nd in top 100 private universities

Ashoka University has been ranked 2nd among top 100 private universities in India by EducationWorld

Office of PR & Communications

31 May, 2019 | 8 min read

Dr. Pratap Bhanu Mehta, vice chancellor of Ashoka University (AU) which has been steadily advancing up the annual EWIPUR, is delighted by the continuous promotions given by knowledgeable EW sample respondents to this liberal arts university which admitted its first batch of 133 students in 2014. Ranked #9 in 2016, it has steadily risen to #5 in 2017, #4 in 2018 and #2 in 2019-20 with the highest ratings under the parameters of competence of faculty and curriculum and pedagogy and second highest score for leadership and governance. 

“A new generation of private universities that have integrity, new forms of pedagogy and research are beginning to innovate across several governance models. This is a healthy development and I’m glad it is being acknowledged by EducationWorld. We feel humbled by the support we are getting. Ashoka University is an institution built on strong foundations and norms. But we are also aware of our responsibility to work harder to surpass ourselves. So the real challenge of aiming even higher begins now,” says Mehta, an alumnus of Princeton and Harvard universities and hitherto president of the high-profile Centre for Policy Research, Delhi who was appointed vice chancellor of this Ivy League-style private university in 2017. 

A formidable public intellectual in his own right whose weekly online essay in the Indian Express has a huge international readership, Mehta is specially pleased with AU’s top rating/scores under the parameters of faculty competence and curriculum and pedagogy. “It is difficult to think of another academic institution that has paid as great attention to faculty recruitment, and we are fortunate that our top-grade faculty is constantly innovating our pedagogies, learning from our own experiences and other excellent institutions worldwide. We believe that the important thing for us is to focus on the all-round intellectual development of our students, to provide them the best resources we can to enable them to navigate the complexities of the new world they will encounter,” adds Mehta. 

Click here to read the whole news. 

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Study at Ashoka
