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Investigating the Reciprocal Regulation between Cytokinesis and Cell adhesion machineries during-

-Embryonic Development in C. elegans.

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Title: Investigating the Reciprocal Regulation between Cytokinesis and Cell adhesion machineries during Embryonic Development in C. elegans.


Cell-cell adhesion is essential for the organization of tissue architecture during development. However, cell division in most metazoan cells involves losing cell-cell contact and rounding up. In Drosophila cells and C. elegans embryo it is observed that during cell division there is disengagement of HMR-1/E-cadherin which is an epithelial cadherin from the ingressing furrow. After the cell division is complete and the cell-cell junctions are formed, HMR-1/E-cadherin again localize in the cell-cell interface. It is also reported in Drosophila cells disengagement of HMR-1/E-cadherin depends on the presence of neighbouring cells. Thus, for maintaining tissue homeostasis, the cell division (cytokinesis) and the cell adhesion machineries have to be tightly regulated. In cell types such as in epithelial cells this delamination is opposed by surface receptors involved in inter-cellular adhesion. Notably, both these processes depend on actomyosin contractility and share a large number of actomyosin binding and regulating proteins. How these two seemingly antagonistic cellular processes are coordinated utilizing a common set of components is still unclear. In my thesis I propose to investigate the antagonistic regulation between cytokinesis and cell-cell adhesion using C. elegans as a model system. In my preliminary work I have done candidate screening using RNAi knockdown to identify the regulators involved in HMR-1/E cadherin localization in the ingressing furrow. I have carried out a candidate RNAi knockdown screen and identified actomyosin cortex components Anillin-1 (ANI-1) and formin (CYK-1), have demonstrated distinct modes of regulating HMR-1/Ecadherin at the division furrow during cytokinesis. Going forward, I aim to understand the roles of these actomyosin regulators in E-Cadherin localization during cytokinesis and investigate the molecular mechanism involved in the HMR-1/E-cadherin localization in the ingressing furrow. 

About Speaker:

Debodyuti Mondal, a Ph.D. scholar at Dr. Anup Padmanabhan’ s lab. After completing her bachelor’s in microbiology from University of Calcutta and master’s in medical biotechnology from Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine, Debodyuti joined Center for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) Hyderabad. At CCMB she worked on various proteomics techniques working on cell biology problems. Presently she is interested in understanding how cells decide their fate and regulate essential biological processes  

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