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My Story Series 3: Megha Sharma Bhagat

Medha absorbed the audience and the conversations about her story continued after the formal session too, leaving a big impact on Ashokans.

Office of PR & Communications

28 February, 2017 | 3 min read

The third “My Story” Series event hosted Megha Sharma Bhagat as its speaker. A strategy and operations consultant in the CSR, gender inclusion, education and impact sourcing sector, Ms. Bhagat started off with a small story about how an army kid began to do something for the society. She then shared her bitter experiences in college skills acquired via internships and vibrant career that made her the “Youngest Rockefeller Foundation Fellow”. The influence that Rockefeller Foundation fellowship had, made her quit the job at NASSCOM and hence she became the consultant to many corporate companies. She mentioned about the various strategies to be adopted in CSR sector and why young people should invest time on social issues. She also spoke about We Tech project that aimed in training the young girls to create Mobile Apps. Overall, the talk was inspiring, with small anecdotes like the story of 9-year-old NewYork girl. Medha absorbed the audience and the conversations about her story continued after the formal session too, leaving a big impact on Ashokans.

Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka