Online Summer School 2021 by CWC
The CWC offers three intensive workshops on diverse themes as part of its online summer school program in July 2021.
Office of PR & Communications
1 June, 2021 | 3m readCWC is delighted to announce its annual summer school for 2021, which comprises three workshops to be conducted online by the tutors on diverse themes and which focus intensively on academic and creative writing, critical thinking, research methodology, and other related issues. The three workshops that CWC offers as part of this online summer school are – a workshop on writing college applications, a research writing workshop, and a short story writing workshop.
The College Application Writing workshop (5-7 July) is a 3-day workshop aimed towards developing and perfecting application essays for post-graduate studies including statements of purpose, scholarship essays, resumes and professional emails. Although both students and young professionals interested in applying to postgraduate programs are both welcome, preference will be given to those who have narrowed down their search to a set of universities/programs or have rough drafts of application essays.
The Research Writing workshop (19-23 July) will be an intensive, 5-day workshop focusing on developing and revising academic dissertations. The selected candidates will work closely with the writing tutors at the CWC on their specific writing samples through lectures, in-class exercises and one-on-one sessions. Covering diverse aspects of academic writing, including writing a research proposal, writing literature review, chapter designing, research methodology, etc., this workshop seeks to establish a serious dialogue between the participants to uncover better ways to conceptualize their path towards writing the best dissertation they can.
The 5-day Short Story Writing workshop (26-30 July) will aim towards working on style, structure, voice, and other formal components of short story writing. Throughout the sessions, participants will be familiarized with short stories as well as non-fiction from a diverse range of authors and cultural backgrounds. Through interactive group activities, writing prompts, and intensive peer-review critique sessions the participants’ creative output will be tested and exposed to other readers, in an aim to foster the ability to read critically. The workshop will also offer exclusive one-on-one sessions for candidates with the tutors, with the intention of building a community of writers who can exchange and review their work in the future.
The deadlines for each of the three workshops are as follows:
College Applications Writing Workshop – June 11, 2021, Fees – 1800 INR + GST
Research Writing Workshop – June 28, 2021, Fees – 3000 INR + GST
Short Story Writing Workshop – July 5, 2021, Fees – 3000 INR + GST
Interested candidates are invited to apply through the Ashoka University Application Portal, where they can register and submit the required documents. Further and detailed Information can be found on CWC’s social media accounts and the posters of the respective workshops.