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Adwitya Sinha

YIF Class of 2023

B.Sc Hospitality and Hotel Administration
Institute of Hotel Management Catering & Nutrition, Pusa, New Delhi

With a fitting name for someone with the most varied and unique interests, Adwitya is constantly en-route to learn from and partake in new pursuits, no matter how eccentric they seem. He has interests spanning from creative writing, journalism, literature, experimental art, quizzing to public speaking. Having always been fascinated with the world of culinary arts, he decided to do his bachelor’s in hospitality and hotel administration from IHM Pusa, New Delhi. The fellowship can provide a broad-gauge, comprehensive and all-embracing educational experience to him, one which would aid him to comprehend the framework of the world with a broader, wide-ranging perspective.


Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka