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YIF Class of 2021

B.A. English Literature
Women's College, Aligarh Muslim University

Aisha likes her chai strong and books close. An English Literature major and a struggling zero-waster, she is either found reading and discussing books or looking for ways to encourage people towards adopting a more sustainable lifestyle. While in college, she co-founded UFCo, a company that aimed at food security by building a community of aquaponics users.

Aisha joined Hachette India after completing her Masters and worked on, among other things, the Limca Book of Records as an editor. She quit her job in October 2019 to give herself a chance to do things she truly believes in. She founded ‘Anjum’, a home furnishing brand born out of her love for design and her desire to be part of a solution to the growing environmental problem that is fabric pollution. Her products are mostly made out of scrap fabric, or katran, that would otherwise end up in landfills. Her vision is to restore value into scrap fabric as well as give women artisans and their art a chance to thrive.

Aisha’s goal through the Young India Fellowship is to affect change to the world, and she believes the holistic education within the programme will help her bridge the gap between this dream and reality.

Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka