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Amal TA

YIF Class of 2021

B.E. Electronics
National Institute of Technology, Calicut

Amal has an experience of 3 years in IT Consulting handling Quality Assurance Projects. During his undergraduate years, he got the chance to do research on welfare economics and was able to combine studies and contributions of various economists, which also made him understand the importance of economy to be in the interests of society.

Now his interests in public policy and governance has encouraged him to pivot his attention to the Social and Developmental aspects of the society. He also looks forward to expanding his understanding on Psychology and Human behaviour. Being an ardent fan of performing arts, he wishes to learn more about them.

He spends his free time mostly reading fiction (gets attached to the book and its characters and it takes some time to free his mind from them) and listening to music. He enjoys sarcasm and laughs out loud pretty often and easily. He is seeking guidance through the Young India Fellowship to nurture his interests and to experiment in diverse areas. He hopes to achieve a wholesome experience in dealing with real life problems and scenarios of both individual and societal interests and gain the ability to find holistic solutions to them.

Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka