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Deshna Jain

YIF Class of 2021

B.Tech Electronics and Communication
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology

Deshna was born in the city of lakes and has completed her education in the city itself. Growing up, Deshna realised the importance to constantly learning and upgrading herself. This led to her involvement in various activities outside the engineering domain, like solo-traveling, photography, music, as well as being a member of Toastmasters International. She is also very passionate about health and nutrition and is a certified fitness consultant. While working after her BTech degree, she gradually realised that she had minimal exposure to the multifarious sectors and disciplines around her. This motivated her to get involved in activities outside work. One such experience was the Good Governance Yatra, where she had a first-hand exposure to many good governance models and an opportunity to interact with the visionaries behind the projects. During this life-changing journey, she came across various Young India Fellowship (YIF) alumni, which eventually motivated her to apply for the fellowship. Deshna believes that the holistic liberal arts education that YIF provides will not only equip her with the right tools to make a living but also teach her essential life skills. She intends to make the most of this opportunity and live the life that she always wanted.

Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka