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Driti Girrish Wadwa

YIF Class of 2022

B.Sc Visual Communication
M.O.P Vaishnav College for Women

Driti is a bubbly, open minded and highly driven person, on a mission to meet new people and learn something new every day. You will often find her curiously drawing in and out of conversations, while having random eureka moments throughout the day. Motivated by her love for cinema, and the power the audio/visual medium can have on a viewer, her life long goal is to focus on creating films that result in a brighter tomorrow. She is always on a roll to discover untold stories in nooks and crannies of this world. In her free time you will find her learning a new song on her guitar, testing out terrible PJ’s on her friends or dabbling in photography.

Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka
