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Mahek Jangda

YIF Class of 2021

Anil Surendranath Modi School of Commerce, Mumbai

Mahek is passionate about writing and also loves performing on stage. Her debut novel, Sometimes Ivory Sometimes Sand, was released in November 2020. She has actively engaged with spoken word poetry and performed with the likes of Unerase, Kommune, Radio Mirchi and the Hyderabad Literature Festival.

She believes that learning more about herself, opening up to newer forms of thought, is the best way that she can enrich her art and connect with the world.

She hopes to explore the world of astronomy and mathematics some day, and also delve deeper into the world of literature. She has a diploma in Persian and aims to study the language further. Meeting new people and learning about their lives gives her a sense of purpose. Though people with a good sense of humour are advised to stay away because she tends to crack really lame jokes!

Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka
