YIF Class of 2021
B.ComManvi calls herself a true blue “nerd, almost to a point of fault”; where this curiosity was earlier satiated by books and ideas, coming into her own as a deeply political person in the midst of a deeply political society, brought with it challenges of self-reflection and lags in knowledge. Her privilege made it possible for her to learn and unlearn as much as she could. The Young India Fellowship came at this very ripe time in her life when she was looking for options to supplement her passion for social justice, and it felt like the dream, right from the get-go. She also reads a lot (and, unsurprisingly, hoards tons of books), writes when she can find the strength, entertains herself with existential millennial humour on the internet, does music, swings from one mental health triumph to another (along with periodic failures), and lives life with an equally aggressive and just pride.