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Nona Uppal

YIF Class of 2022

B.A.(Honours) Political Science
Lady Shri Ram College for Women, University of Delhi

The sentence resting at the tip of Nona’s tongue at all points is: “Yes, Nona is, in fact, my real name.” She has numerous, often conflicting passions, and she does not believe in containing any of them. So in the morning, she can be found researching critical socio-political issues and a couple of hours later, whipping up plant-based foods and recipes to share with her online community on Instagram and YouTube. If you find yourself in a heated debate with her- don’t be surprised! She has been attached to a podium for ten years and thoroughly enjoys presenting the contrarian opinion. And when the day’s work is finally over, she can be found secluded, with her Kindle in hand!

Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka