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Wangchok Namgail

YIF Class of 2022

BSW Social Work
The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)

Hailing from Ladakh in the Indian Himalayan region, Wangchok had a simple upbringing observing the introduction of technology, climate change, and receding glaciers, increasing tourism, ever-growing external influences, and thus the transforming lifestyle of the Himalayan communities. He studied in Ladakh and then in Delhi majoring in Social Work. He’s been actively involved on several projects in Ladakh since 2015, working mostly on youth-oriented programs, raising awareness, imparting education and exposure on the environment, cultural preservation, gender equality, among others.

He envisions to create better opportunities of education and exposure for the youth, particularly the Himalayan youth- the torchbearer of a better tomorrow and guardian of the Himalaya which has a direct impact on more than a billion people globally.

Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka
