Rebuilding Careers for Returning Mothers
Breakthrough Training Programme - Phase 2
Office of PR & Communications
1 September, 2018 | 4 min readSeptember, 2018: The Genpact Centre for Women’s Leadership (GCWL) is facilitating the Breakthrough Training Programme for women aspiring to rebuild and strengthen their careers post maternity. Phase 2 of the training is scheduled for October 5th and 6th, 2018. For returning mothers, it will focus on learning tools and mastering techniques that will get them hired. For working mothers, the training will focus on coaching and mentoring them for career progression.
The Phase 1 of the training concluded in September 2018. Returning and Working Mothers were trained to delineate action plans and develop career goals to help them reach leadership positions after their maternity break.
This training programme is a follow-up to GCWL’s qualitative study on lived experiences of maternity and career among women and their return to workforce across sectors. The research findings of the study were presented in the report, “Predicament of Returning Mothers,” launched on April 25, 2018.
The research study investigated the complex network of individual, family, social, and workplace factors that force women to leave the workforce post pregnancy and childbirth. The study also assessed initiatives taken by both the government and corporates, at several levels, from mentorship to maternity management programmes. The study offered a comprehensive overview of the challenges by including perspectives from employers across three sectors.
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Know more about the Breakthrough Programme here.