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Students contribute enthusiastically to Campus life

A glance at the efforts, achievements and contributions made by Ashoka students over the year.

Office of PR & Communications

1 June, 2015 | 10 Mins read

Ashoka University has witnessed an action-packed, vibrant and busy year with Ashokans displaying their energy and vigour in various activities and events. This has been the first step taken by Ashoka students towards a long and promising journey undertaken by the Ashoka community.

Vineet Gupta, Pro Vice Chancellor and Founder, Ashoka University says, “We started the year with 330 students coming together in a new Campus and in a new environment. It has been inspiring to see the Student Clubs come to life. The energy and activity on Campus is exhilarating. I want to congratulate the student body and acknowledge all those who played a great part in making this happen.”

In recognition of the efforts and achievements made by Ashokans over the year, the Office of Student Life takes immense pleasure in acknowledging students’ contributions in creating a dynamic and vibrant culture on Campus.

Most Active Clubs and Societies:

  • Community Service Club

Children’s Day Carnival, Neighbourhood Project – an outreach with school children from Asawarpur
Chakshu Chhabra, Ishita Arora, Sanat Sogani, Sankalp Garud, Uttara Chaudhuri

  • Gavel Club

Weekly public speaking workshops and meetings
Nandita Ramanathan

  • History and Heritage Society 

Training for undergraduate students to organise events such as heritage walks in Delhi;Trip to Prakriti Farms in Ropar, Dhruv Chakraverti, Rohan Sankhla, Rohini Singh, Shaleen Wadhwana

  • Film Society

Faculty recommendation series, Weekly film screenings, Club collaborative screenings
Dhairyya Singh, Laksh Banthia, Ritesh Agarwal

  • Music Society

Music production workshop, music showcases on Campus, Diwali music performance showcase
Akanksha Sinha, Aritra Sutradhar, Gauri Saxena, Ishika Ray, Jasmine Kaur, Kritika Shankaran, Mathura Samaram, Sankalp Garud, Surabhi Katyal, Pooja Srivastava, Uday Swaroop

  • The Edict

Ashoka’s student newspaper
Angana Chakrabarti, Simrin Sirur, Narmada Varadarajan, Manjari Sahay, Priya Rathod, Vaishnavi Agarwal, Nayani Kushal

  • Quizzing

Weekly meetings, Don Quizote ( The University’s first general knowledge quiz of the year)
Anindita Ravikumar

  • Centre for Sustainability

Waste segregation on Campus, paper collection drives, recycled bottle planters
Arielle Clynes, Labonie Roy, Purvai Aranya, Suvina Singal

  • Shakespeare Society

Shakespeare Day, Shakespeare Society of India National Seminar: “Shakespeare and the Street”, Annual Production ( Each One a Storm, an adaptation of ‘The Tempest’)

Darshana Devarajan, Goutam Piduri, Ishanika Sharma, Sreya Muthukumar, Nitya Kuthiala

  • Psychology Society

Dhairyya Singh

Students who represented the University and won at various inter-college competitions

Kushal Sagar, Youthtopia (Policy Fest), OP Jindal University

Tauseef Shahidi, Youthtopia (Policy Fest), OP Jindal University

Aritra Sutradhar, Jiya Dewan, Eastern Music competition (solo), Biswamil, OP Jindal University

Sreya Muthukumar, Western Music competition (solo), Biswamil, OP Jindal University

Anirudh Saigal, Ayushi Jain, Gia Singh Arora, Riddhi Chhajer, Ruaab Monga, Sarayu Krishnan, Sourya Reddy, Urvin Soneta, Group Dance, Biswamil, OP Jindal University

Dhruv Chakraverty, Shipwreck, Biswamil, OP Jindal University

Apuroop Sethupathy, Shivangi Tikekar, Tata Crucible Campus Quiz 2015 Gurgaon Finals

Anirban Kundu, Samridh Kudesia, Tata Crucible Campus Quiz 2015 Gurgaon Finals

Narmada Varadarajan, Mono acting, Biswamil 2014, OP Jindal University

Purvai Aranya, Sreya Muthukumar, Slam poetry, Tarang 2015, Lady Shri Ram College

Aashna Lal, Govind Narayan Jai Khanna Kanishk Srinivasan Sreya Muthukumar, Abhinav Srikant, Battle of Bands, Tarang 2015, Lady Shri Ram College

Ajay Sabharwal, Akashmegh Sharma, Asees Puri, Kshitij Kapoor, Ahan Bezbaroa, Shreyas Shende, Vijay Shah, Yaswanth Sanagapalli, ISBF MUN 2014

Student Leadership and Organisation

Ashoka University Student Life Committee 

Spearheading student participation and team work with sustained engagement, effective communication, problem solving, with responsible accountability in various events on and off Campus.

Undergraduate Committee

The committee contributed to events such as Jashn-e-Jazba, Inauguration of Ashoka University, Launch of Genpact Centre for Women Leadership.

Anirudh Saigal, Arpit Kumbhat, Asees Puri, Chakshu Chhabra, Dhairyya Singh, Krathika Parchani, Kriti Garg, Mihika Sood, Yasha Khuthia, Shivangi Tikekar, Mathura Samaram, Aaishwarya Jain, Rhea Shroff, Sarayu Krishnan

Young India Fellows Committee

The committee contributed to events such as Clubs Fair at Undergraduate Orientation 2014, Diwali Celebration week, Durga Puja, Lohri, Christmas, Onam
Shruthi Kande, Manasi Khanna, Aditya Kesanupalli, Priyanka Kumar, Sanjay Deshpande

Food Committee

Active involvement in working with the administration on hospitality and dining on Campus
Zuha Junaidi, Ankit Gupta, Chakshu Chhabra, Krathika Parchani, Aaishwarya Jain

Ideas Innovation and Initiative

  • Paras Bhattrai developed the electronic voting software for undergraduate student elections, 2014
  • Paras Bhattrai, Aaishwarya Jain, Ritikaa T L launched Sugar Jar, a baking enterprise
  • Sanat Sogani developed Ashoka Digital Calendar
Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka