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Well-Being Day 2018

Self Care is Not Selfish

Office of PR & Communications

26 October, 2018 | 4 min read

Ashokans come out in numbers to promote well-being.

The third annual celebration of Well-Being Day was organised by the Ashoka Centre for Well-Being (ACWB) in the sprawling lawns of Ashoka on the 25th of October.

The ACWB created a space for students, staff and faculty to collect and spread cheer. Members of the Ashoka family were encouraged to take a moment to reflect on how their physical and mental well-being could be enhanced. 

Students took pledges towards self-compassion and engaged in activities to productively channel their anxieties.

The Horticulture Department took lead in addressing queries during a plant sale. Ashokans gifted each other plants tagged with personalised messages of support.

ACWB launched Well-Being @ Workplace which was very well received by staff who attended the first session conducted by Dr. Arvinder (Director, ACWB). This program includes structured sessions as well as informal discussions around mental health.

The event would not have been possible without the support of dedicated volunteers who worked between exams and assignments to help with planning, decor and execution.

In 2016, the ACWB was established under Dr. Arvinder as a safe space that offers free and confidential individual and group counselling support for students, staff and faculty at Ashoka. Our team of counselors, professionals and volunteers offers a range of services to help Ashoka’s stakeholders in building emotional resources and developing better coping strategies.

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