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3-day research and writing workshop with Arpita Das, Founder of Yoda Press

The workshop will be held on 12 and 19 September, and 3 October, at 2:30 PM.

Office of PR & Communications

1 September, 2019 | 1 min read

The Undergraduate Writing Programme is organizing a 3-day research and writing workshop by Arpita Das, founder of Yoda Press. Founded in 2004 with an alternative publishing vision, Yoda Press aims to create lists around subjects which are not usually a priority for other publishers in India, even though they have a critical presence in contemporary discourse, authorship and an audience.

The workshop will be held on 12 and 19 September, and 3 October, at 2:30 PM. It is open to all Ashokan students, staff, and faculty. First-year students are especially encouraged to sign up.

Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka