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Ashoka students support Nepal earthquake victims

Zuha Junaidi, a Young India Fellow went to Nepal to volunteer in relief camps in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake.

Office of PR & Communications

29 April, 2015 | 6 min read

The entire world responded with humanitarian efforts to help Nepal earthquake victims after the recent tragedy struck the country leaving thousands dead and millions devastated. Ashoka University students too wanted to do their bit to install a trinket of hope through volunteering and relief work. On 26th April, a day after the earthquake, a group of undergraduate students and Young India Fellows from the University embarked on a journey which began with collection of funds for buying medical relief for the victims. Eventually Zuha Junaidi, a Young India Fellow from the University went to Nepal to engage in on-ground relief work and volunteering in relief camps.

The undergraduates at Ashoka began the donation drive by installing donation boxes across the campus, and posters spreading awareness about the relief work. Young India Fellows soon joined in and began door-to-door collection of funds to buy supplies for the victims of the earthquake. The donation campaign started by students involved a “Rebuild Nepal” campaign which required funds to be visually depicted on the map of Nepal, to motivate students to donate more. After collecting a sizeable amount of financial aid, the students began working with the founders of the University.

While Amit Chandra, Managing Director, Bain Capital who is also one of the founders at the University doubled the amount of funds collected, another founder Pramath Raj Sinha connected the students with relevant people who could help in providing on-ground relief work in Nepal. The total amount collected in funds is over Rs 150,000.

Commenting on the efforts made by Ashoka students, Amit Chandra said, “Reactions by Ashoka students to calamities like the one we are witnessing in Nepal, serve as an important indicator to the kind of humans Ashoka is nurturing. Amidst the gloom, I have been proud to spot leadership and deep routed initiative to alleviate human suffering.  Our students are going beyond expressing their sadness, with many contributing to relief efforts with their time and money.  The leaders of the pack have already made trips to Nepal to personally volunteer on the ground and assess what is needed most over the longer term.  It is initiatives like these which make me most proud of being associated with Ashoka.”

Zuha Junaidi, a Young India Fellow went to Nepal for volunteering in relief camps, and providing medical and other essential supplies to affected villages, damaged orphanages across Kathmandu. The funds collected will be used to provide relief to families, and traumatized children victimized by the earthquake, especially in the wake of the coming monsoon season which will cause additional distress.

With around 3.5 million people still in need of food assistance in Nepal, there needs to be continued relief work and supplies sent to Nepal. On her return from Nepal, Zuha Junaidi narrates her exposure by saying, “Our experiences in engaging in humanitarian efforts to rehabilitate the victims of the earthquake have only motivated us further to continue to do our bit to help rebuild Nepal.

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Study at Ashoka