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Introduction to Finance

This is a compulsory course for Second-year students Majoring in Economics and Finance.The aim of this course is to introduce students to a broad range of financial markets operating in a modern economy and to provide you with a basic understanding of these markets. At the end of the module, students should develop a basic awareness of the day-to-day workings of such markets and an informed understanding of key events, such as the recent financial crisis. The topics covered include the role and types of various financial markets; the role and function of financial institutions and their regulation; and the conduct of monetary policy. Various financial markets such as the bond markets, government as well as corporate bonds; the money markets; the stock markets; and the markets for financial futures and options will be covered. The role of central banks and other regulatory institutions in ensuring the smooth functioning of these markets will be explored
Pre-req: ECO 2101 (Microeconomic Theory I), ECO 2201 (Macroeconomic Theory I)

Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka
