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CSIP Research Conference: Exploring the Diverse Dimensions of Philanthropy and Giving

CSIP organised its first research conference in 2022 that looked at different forms of giving

The CSIP Research Conference is hosted by CSIP for researchers and practitioners in the philanthropic and social impact ecosystem. The goal is to share and engage in theories and practices related to the field of philanthropy. With this end in mind, the conference aims to provide a platform for the promotion of and engagement in philanthropy research in India, support participants in building their knowledge and skills for a deeper engagement with the philanthropic landscape and create opportunities for participants to network and explore possibilities.

CSIP organised its first research conference on ‘Philanthropy and Giving’ in 2022 and looked at different forms of giving. This included an exploration of the philanthropic responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, the study of new and emerging forms of giving as well as community-based giving.

The 2-day conference was online, with 300+ attendees attending the conference from across the world. The first day of the conference was open-door and included a panel discussion, paper presentation and a closing keynote address. The panel discussion on the ‘Importance of Research on Philanthropy’ was between Dr Sara Konrath (Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, Indiana University), Gayatri Lobo (ATE Chandra Foundation) and Anant Bhagwati (The Bridgespan Group).

The abstracts for the paper presentation were selected after a rigorous selection process and the selected presenters were a diverse mix of individual researchers, groups of practitioners and organisations working in the social impact space with participation from countries like Singapore and South Africa. The diverse themes covered in the papers ranged from micro-funding/ individual philanthropy, feminist funding, generosity during COVID-19 and impact investing. The first day ended with a keynote address by Mark Sidel, Doyle-Bascom Professor of Law and Public Affairs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The second day of the conference was designed to build and strengthen the research capabilities of the researchers in the sector and included three research workshops. The conference received a very generous response from all stakeholders.

This year, we expanded the scope of our focus to understand philanthropy from different perspectives. The themes for CSIP Research Conference (CSIP-RC) 2023 are ‘Philanthropy in Uncertain Times’, ‘Methodologies for Philanthropy Research’, ‘Diaspora Philanthropy’, ‘Family Philanthropy’, ‘Voluntarism’ and ‘Pedagogical Approaches to Philanthropy’. The call for abstracts for the second CSIP-RC is now live. Interested researchers and practitioners are invited to submit abstracts for the conference to be held from 13-15 December 2023.

The deadline for abstract submission is November 3, 2023.

For more information, please visit this link.

(Divya is a Senior Manager–Research at the Centre for Social Impact and Philanthropy, Ashoka University. She is a development professional with over a decade of experience designing and conducting social research and policy advocacy)

Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka