Abstract: One dimensional (1D) momentum space information provided by the Parton distribution function (PDF) is not sufficient and there are some experimental observations that indicate Hadron structure beyond 1D. Transverse momentum-dependent Parton distributions (TMDs) encode three-dimensional structures, as well as angular momentum information of a hadron, and hence, have attracted a lot of attention in recent times. We present all the twist-2 TMDs for proton in a light-front quark-diquark model (LFQDM). The 𝑥−𝑝2⊥ factorization used in phenomenological extraction for TMDs is observed to hold in this model. We present the results for the quark densities and the transverse shape of the proton. The shape of the transversely polarized proton is shown to be non-spherical for nonzero transverse momentum. We also calculate the more general Wigner distribution and present our recent result in the momentum space as well as in the boost invariant longitudinal space. We found that the Wigner distributions in the boost invariant space show a single slit diffraction behavior. We will also present our model result for Sivers asymmetry and give a prediction for the future electron-ion-collider(EIC) at BNL. The talk will be mostly based on my recent work Phys.Rev.D 105 (2022) 7, 074024.
Speaker Bio:Currently, Dr. Tanmay Maji is working as a National Postdoctoral Fellow (N-PDF) at the Department of Physics at IIT Hyderabad. He received his Ph.D. from IIT Kanpur in 2018 and held postdoctoral positions at IIT Bombay and at Fudan University, Shanghai in the last four years. The research works of Dr. Maji belong to High Energy Physics Theory and more precisely his research is focused on 3D tomography of hadrons in light-front dynamics and precision prediction to even shapes measurements in the framework of Soft-Collinear Effective Theory (SCET). Dr. Maji has been awarded the prestigious Gary McCartor award in 2018 given by Jefferson Lab, USA, and the Young Scientist award in 2019 given by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, China.