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Scientifically Speaking Season 4, Session 4: India’s oldest meat-gravy and milk: A peek into Harappan Dining rooms

Speaker: Kalyan Sekhar Chakraborty, Assistant Professor of History, Ashoka University, PhD: University of Toronto, Canada

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Food is an integral part of our everyday life. There is no doubt that we all enjoy craving western foods, but our traditional foods remain close to our hearts. With the recent advancement in scientific techniques, archaeologists from all over the world are now actively engaging with indigenous traditional food practices. In this presentation, we will take a peek into the kitchens and dining rooms of the Harappans, who occupied the Indian subcontinent around 6000 years ago. We will see how advanced scientific techniques enabled archaeologists to look deep into the ancient earthen pots and extract chemical signatures of meals that were prepared and consumed using these pots at least 6000 years ago. We all also discuss how advanced scientific methods have enabled us (archaeologists) to find the origin of some of the delicious traditional Indian dishes that have now become our comfort food, and how our own food practices have changed since the beginning of civilization in Indian subcontinent.

Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka
