Department of Visual Arts invites you to the VA Colloquium
The Educational Power of Art: Reflections on founding a school for Performing and Fine Arts
Aristotle, in his Nicomachean Ethics, makes a distinction between education based in Theoria, Praxis, and Poiesis, that becomes crucial in understanding discussions about the ends and means of higher education in the ensuing millennia. Among the traditional disciplines in the Liberal Arts tradition of education, Arts Education inhabits a unique position in part because of its relationship to these three domains articulated by Aristotle.
In this colloquium, and from the perspective of Aristotle’s insights, Dr. Barker will explore and discuss the role of arts education not only as an important and distinct discipline within the liberal arts tradition, but as an important engagement in the very type of thinking and knowledge that are the focus of such an education.
Wednesday, 29st November 2023
Venue – AC04 # 401
Time 5:00 pm
Dr. Barker is a professor of history and philosophy at Brigham Young University – Idaho in the United States and has been involved in the creation and development of several arts based educational institutions, including the state’s first high school for performing and fine arts, and the state’s first charter public school, a publicly funded, private school for the arts.
In this colloquium, he brings his academic background in history and philosophy together with his experience in art education to reflect upon the unique mission of Ashoka University and the role of art education within that mission.
Looking forward to having you with us!
Department of Visual Arts
Ashoka University