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Aryya Ghosh

Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Ashoka University

Ph.D. CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory (CSIR-NCL), Pune

Aryya Ghosh is currently an Assistant professor of chemistry at Ashoka University. Before joining  to Ashoka, he did his Ph.D. in theoretical and  computational chemistry from  the  CSIR-national chemical laboratory (CSIR-NCL), Pune. He was a postdoctoral fellow at Emory university, USA as well as Heidelberg university, Germany. He was also a visiting research fellow at University  of Edinburgh, UK. Prior to his doctoral studies, he did his Masters in physical chemistry from the central university of Visva-Bharati.

He is a theoretical chemist. His primary research  interests are mainly focused on the development and application of accurate ab initio methods to study the various interatomic or intermolecular decay processes of excited states and accurate multi-mode quantum dynamics simulation of   these decay processes using time dependent approach. Furthermore, his research interest is also focused on the exploration of new novel type photo-dissociation mechanism.

  • ‘Attosecond spectroscopy reveals alignment dependent core-hole dynamics in the ICl molecule’ H. J. B. Marroux, A. P. Fidler,  A.Ghosh, Y. Kobayashi, K. Gokhberg , A.I. Kuleff , S. R. Leone,  D. M. Neumark,  Nature Communications  2020 (Accepted)

  • ‘Electron transfer mediated decay of alkali dimers attached to He nanodroplets’ L. Ben Ltaief, M. Shcherbinin, S. Mandal, S. R. Krishnan, R. Richter, T. Pfeifer, A. Ghosh, M. Mudrich, K. Gokhberg, A. C. LaForge, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22, 8557 (2020 ).

  • ‘Electron transfer mediated decay in HeLi2 cluster: Potential energy surfaces and Decay widths’ A. Ghosh , L.S. Cederbaum, and K. Gokhberg, J. Chem. Phys. 150, 16430 (2019)

  • ‘Real-time observation of X-ray-induced intramolecular and interatomic electronic decay in CH2I2 ‘ H. Fukuzawa et al., Nature Communications 10, 2186 (2019) .

  • ’Formaldehyde roaming dynamics: Comparison of quasi-classical trajectory calculations and experiments’ P. L. Houston, X. Wang, A. Ghosh, J.M. Bowman, M.S. Quinn, and S. H. Kable,  J.Chem. Phys. 147, 013936 (2017).

  • ‘Auger decay rates of core hole states using equation of motion coupled cluster method’  A. Ghosh, S. Pal, and N. Vaval, Chem. Phys. 482, 160 (2017).

  • ‘Lifetime of inner-shell hole states of Ar (2p) and Kr (3d) using equation-of-motion coupled cluster method’ A. Ghosh, S. Pal, and N.Vaval, J. Chem. Phys. 143,024305 (2015).

  • ‘Complex absorbing potential based equation-of-motion coupled cluster method for the potential energy curve of CO2− anion’  A. Ghosh, N. Vaval, S. Pal, and R. J. Bartlett, J. Chem. Phys. 141, 164113 (2014)

  • ‘Coupled cluster methods for autoionisation resonances’ Y. Sajeev, A. Ghosh, N. Vaval, S. Pal, Int. Rev. Phys. Chem. 33, 397 (2014)

  • ‘Relativistic equation-of-motion coupled-cluster method for the double-ionization  potentials ‘ H. Pathak, A. Ghosh, B. K. Shaoo, B. P. Das, N. Vaval, and S. Pal, Phys. Rev. A  90, 010501 (R) (2014)

  • ‘Interatomic coulombic decay in (HF)n (n=2,3) clusters using CAP/EOM-CCSD method’ A.Ghosh, S. Pal, and N. Vaval, Mol. Phys. 112 , 669 (2014).

  • ‘Geometry-dependent lifetime of Interatomic coulombic decay using equation-of-motion coupled cluster method’ A. Ghosh and N. Vaval , J. Chem. Phys. 141, 234108 (2014).

Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka