Professor of Environmental Studies and History
Chair (Hon.), Ashoka Archives of Contemporary India,
Mahesh Rangarajan is professor of Environmental studies and History. He was educated at Hindu College, University of Delhi and then at Balliol and Nuffield Colleges, both in Oxford, where he has been a Rhodes Scholar. Dr Rangarajan has worled as Assistant Eedtior with The Telegraph, Kolkata and and been a commentaor on current affairs with the audio visual media in both English and HIndi.
He has previously taught at the University of Delhi and at Krea University. He has also been Visiting Faculty at Cornell University, at Jadavpur and in the National Center for Biological Sciences, Bengaluru.
He was Director, Nehru Memorial Museum and Library ( 2011-15) and has also seved as Vice Chancellor, Krea Univ ersity ( 2021-22). He was Chair of the Elephant Task Force of the Government of India in 2010 and member of the Forest Advisory Committe of the Ministry of Enviornment, Government of India ( 2008-2012).
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