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Meenakshi Rana

Aryya Ghosh's Lab

I am a third-year graduate student in the Department of Chemistry. I received my masters  degree in  Chemistry (Computational) from Central University of Punjab, Bathinda. Throughout my academic journey, I have focused on pushing the boundaries of knowledge in the captivating realm of quantum dynamics. Employing an ab-initio approach, I have meticulously delved into the intricacies of ultrafast electronic decay processes, unravelling their underlying mechanisms through advanced computational simulations. I primarily worked on quantum dynamical simulation of ultrafast electronic decay processes using ab-initio approach. Recently, I worked on full dynamical and ab-initio investigation of non-radiative decay. In my recent endeavours, I embarked on an ambitious project centred around the comprehensive investigation of non-radiative decay phenomena. By employing cutting-edge techniques and a full dynamical framework, I aimed to shed light on the intricate pathways governing these intriguing processes. The results of this research promise to deepen our understanding of electronic transitions and contribute to the broader field of theoretical and computational chemistry. Furthermore, I am currently engrossed in conducting impactful Density Functional Theory (DFT) studies focusing on the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction (HER). My research interests lie at the intersection of electronic structure theory, theoretical and computational chemistry, and physical chemistry.

Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka
