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Pragya Pal

YIF Class of 2022

Bachelor of Occupational Therapy
Pt. Deendayal Upadhyaya National Institute For Persons with Physical Disabilities, University of Delhi

Pragya, often referring to herself as the “child of Marx and Coca-Cola” (from Masculin Feminin dir. by Jean-Luc Godard) is a passive consumer of the arts. This does not indicate a political ideology but the struggle between Marxism, with its logical and moral considerations, and Coca-Cola, symbolizing her pleasure-seeking side. You may find her in museums, art galleries, libraries, vinyl stores, Korean cafes and parks. Passionate about education, movies, music, environment, philosophy and travelling, she belongs everywhere and nowhere at once. An astronaut in her childhood dreams, Pragya is an Occupational Therapist in the real world, helping humans with disabilities live fuller lives. She aspires to learn more to inspire people the way she has been inspired by powerful stories.

Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka