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Pratik Khemka

YIF Class of 2021

B.A. (Honours) Economics
University of Delhi

Pratik hails from a remote town in North Bihar where in his early years he developed a love of reading and asking endless questions at the same time. During his time at a boarding school in Benares, he got influenced by nature and philosophy. His desire to know more about the market and political institutions and their functioning drew him to economics. His efforts to understand and help nature are also shown by his work in WWF and Shodhyatras (an arduous on-foot exploration of grassroots innovations).

The Young India Fellowship (YIF) comes as the next step of his insatiable quest for knowledge and exposure to all sorts of things. He truly believes a better world is possible in which everyone is a piece in a jigsaw or a cog in a wheel and not bystanders without meanings and hope. YIF fulfills a necessary condition for his growth as an individual who looks with prisms and not just with big eye lenses. Every weekend, he follows Borussia Dortmund play football, a club to which he shall forever be a most ardent follower.

Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka
