Key Collaborator, Koita Centre for Digital Health, Ashoka University
Principal Scientist at the Institute of genomics and Integrative Biology (CSIR)Dr. Rajesh Pandey is currently working as Principal Scientist at CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (CSIR-IGIB) and Associate Professor, at Academy of Scientific & Innovative Research (AcSIR), Delhi, India. His area of expertise and research interest focuses on INtegrative GENomics of HOst-PathogEn (INGEN-HOPE), Functional genomics, Non-coding RNA Biology, Single Cell Genomics, Transcriptionally Active Microbes (TAMs), Innovative, cost-effective application of NGS technologies. Dr. Rajesh obtained his Ph.D. in Biotechnology from CSIR-IGIB & University of Pune (India) in 2012 In his post Ph.D. days, Dr, Rajesh has been working as a Research Scientist at MRC Harwell Institute, Oxfordshire, UK and Visiting Scientist at Johns Hopkins University, Maryland, USA