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Rishabh Jain

YIF Class of 2023

BSc (Physics), St. Stephen's College
Ex-Analyst, InMobi

Rishabh belongs to Shamli, a small town in U.P, India. He majored in Physics at St. Stephen’s College, where he learned life lessons, not just physics’ ones. He loves reading and writing. They give him absolute delight and have had the most profound impact on his personal and professional life. He believes in walking the extra mile for others and that everything happens for a reason, good or bad, depending on what we have done in our past. He believes that programmes such as the YIF are essential. It allows a Physics major like himself to delve into Kabir’s spiritualism, learn about issues in social democracy, and take leadership lessons from Sanjeev Bikhchandani. The world has changed, and it has changed for the good. We see pure science graduates leading consulting firms and English majors working at Niti Aayog. The solution to all major world problems lies at the intersection of science, economics, policy, and arts.

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