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Shivani Krishna

Assistant Professor of Biology, Ashoka University

Ph.D. Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER)-Thiruvananthapuram

Shivani Krishna is an Assistant Professor of Biology. She completed her Ph.D. from Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER)-Thiruvananthapuram working on plant-animal interactions and plant reproductive ecology in the evolutionarily unique freshwater swamp forests in the Western Ghats. She continued as a bridging postdoctoral fellow examining the ecological significance of touch-sensitive stigmas in plants. She then moved to Israel as a postdoctoral fellow to insect ecology and behavior laboratory at the University of Haifa. Her work funded by Israel Science Foundation focused on learning complex flower morphologies by bumblebees.

Shivani has a master’s degree in Biodiversity and Conservation from the University of Leeds, UK. She is actively engaged in interdisciplinary and collaborative projects encompassing various fields of biology and allied areas. Her research interests lie in understanding ecological mechanisms that structure plant-animal interactions, with focus on pollination and seed dispersal.

For students interested in internships, please send your applications to shivani.krishna@ashoka.edu.in. Applications must include a CV and a one-page research statement.

  • Somanathan, H., Krishna, S., Jos, E., Gowda,V., Kelber, A., Borges,R.M. (2020) Nocturnal bees feed on diurnal leftovers and pay the price of day-night lifestyle transition. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, doi:10.3389/fevo.2020.566964
  • Krishna, S. & Keasar T. (2019) Bumblebees forage on flowers of increasingly complex morphologies despite low success. Animal Behaviour, 155, 119-130
  • Nicholls, E., Krishna, S., Wright, O., Stabler, D., Krefft, A., Somanathan, H. & Hempel de Ibarra, N. (2019) A matter of taste: the adverse effect of pollen compounds on the pre-ingestive gustatory experience of sucrose solutions for honeybees. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 205(3), 333-346
  • Krishna, S. & Somanathan, H. (2018). Intersexual mimicry and flowering phenology facilitates pollination in a dioecious habitat specialist species, Myristica fatua (Myristicaceae). Plant Ecology, 219(10), 1247-1257
  • Krishna, S. & Keasar T. (2018) Morphological complexity as a floral signal: from perception by insect pollinators to co-evolutionary implications. International journal of molecular sciences 19(6)
  • Krishna, S. & Somanathan, H. (2016). Spatiotemporal strategies that facilitate recruitment in a habitat specialist tree species. AoB Plants, 8, plw033
  • Balamurali, G. S.*, Krishna, S.*, & Somanathan, H. (2015). Senses and signals: evolution of floral signals, pollinator sensory systems and the structure of plant-pollinator interactions. Current Science, 108(10), 1852
  • Krishna, S. & Somanathan, H. (2014). Secondary removal of Myristica fatua (Myristicaceae) seeds by crabs in Myristica swamp forests in India. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 30, 259-263
Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka