Dear Students,
In your 4th (ASP) year, there are both thesis and non-thesis tracks, both of which will enable you to get research experience.
The thesis track:
A thesis track (12 credits) will be divided into thesis proposal (4 credits) and thesis (8 credits) over the monsoon and the spring semester of your ASP year. There is a tight timeline with respect to several stages of the process, and submission of several drafts of the proposal and the final thesis will be required on specific dates.
For a sample timeline, please use the 2024 timeline. Course manuals for PSY4998 (Thesis Proposal) and PSY4999 (Thesis) can be found here : ASP Syllabus 2024-25
An honors thesis is a capstone course where students will complete a piece of original scholarly work that contributes substantially to the knowledge and/or application of the discipline. Doing a thesis requires a substantial amount of research skills, commitment, and time management skills.
Please do not enter the thesis track lightly. A thesis is a student’s independent idea and the formulation of the research questions, methodological decisions and analysis is mostly dependent on the student, with a general oversight by the advisor. While accepting thesis students, I try to assess whether the project conceptualization is strong enough to make an independent publication in a peer reviewed journal.
Thesis application form:
For the foreseeable future I will only be accepting thesis students whose research interests are allied with gender based violence and mental health.
The Independent Study Module (ISM) /Advanced ISM track:
An ISM/ advanced ISM is an avenue to gain hands on research experience with me on my research projects. The theoretical conceptualization and research question formulation is directly under my supervision, and students help collect data, and analyze them. When we publish, you get co-authorship/ acknowledgement depending on your involvement, diligence and the quality of work you produce.
A list of my currently running projects, names of the coordinators for each project can be found here:
The same sheet has also been circulated with the psychology representatives.
If you are interested to join any of my projects, please contact the coordinators mentioned in the sheet, read the documentation on the project, understand where the work is, and fill out the form for application by May 15 ( summer research) or July 30(For Monsoon 22). Then send me an email. Most of my projects can span over multiple semesters, so ISM students can expect to be a part of a specific phase of a larger, ongoing project. PLEASE DO NOT RAISE ISM REQUESTS ON AMS WITHOUT TALKING TO ME FIRST. This is a form I ask to fill before I accept an ISM student: