Sougata is a chronobiologist and interested in studying the diversity of circadian clock with a goal to uncover how the internal oscillator regulates the cellular physiology and biochemisty for optimum adaptation by using unicellular phytoplankton models. Prior to joining Ashoka Sougata acquired multidisciplinary research experience starting with a bachelor and master degree in Agriculture. He completed his PhD from University of Montreal with Prof. David Morse and studied circadian clock regulation of gene expression in dinoflagellates, a primary member of phytoplankton community. During postdoctoral research Sougata worked as an EIPOD (EMBL Interdisciplinary postdoctoral) fellow with Prof. Sarah Teichmann of Sanger Institute and EMBL-EBI as primary PI and Prof. Anne Claude Gavin of EMBL-Heidelberg as Co-PI. During this period he also teamed up with Prof. Steven Ley’s laboratory at the Chemistry Department of Cambridge University.