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Sougata Roy

Assistant Professor of Biology, Ashoka University

Ph.D. University of Montreal

Sougata is a chronobiologist and interested in studying the diversity of circadian clock with a goal to uncover how the internal oscillator regulates the cellular physiology and biochemisty for optimum adaptation by using unicellular phytoplankton models. Prior to joining Ashoka Sougata acquired multidisciplinary research experience starting with a bachelor and master degree in Agriculture. He completed his PhD from University of Montreal with Prof. David Morse and studied circadian clock regulation of gene expression in dinoflagellates, a primary member of phytoplankton community. During postdoctoral research Sougata worked as an EIPOD (EMBL Interdisciplinary postdoctoral) fellow with Prof. Sarah Teichmann of Sanger Institute and EMBL-EBI as primary PI and Prof. Anne Claude Gavin of EMBL-Heidelberg as Co-PI. During this period he also teamed up with Prof. Steven Ley’s laboratory at the Chemistry Department of Cambridge University.

  • Received EIPOD (EMBL Interdisciplinary Postdoctoral) Fellowship (a joint venture of Marie Curie CoActions fund and EMBL) (2014).
  • Honour list of the Dean for exceptional performance in PhD (2014).
  • Marie Victorin Excellence award from IRBV, University of Montreal (2012-13).
  • Excellence scholarship, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, University of Montreal (2012-13).
  • Merit scholarship, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, University of Montreal (2011-12).
  • Excellence grant from Fonds de bourses en sciences biologiques, University of Montreal (2010).
  • Received the University of Montreal grant of fee exemption to the foreign students (2008).
  • JRF in the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India (2006).
  • Saralabala Mondal SRF in the Department of Biotechnology, Burdwan University, India (2005-06).
  • Obtained University Merit Scholarship during all the semesters in Post-graduation (M.Sc.).
  • Obtained University Merit Scholarship during the 2nd, 3rd and 4th year of Graduation (B.Sc.).
  • CLICK-enabled analogues reveal pregnenolone interactomes in cancer and immune cells. Sougata Roy#,
  • James Sipthorp, Bidesh Mahata, Jhuma Pramanik, MarcoL. Hennrich, Anne-Claude Gavin, Steven V. Ley, Sarah A. Teichmann#. (under review). biorxiv.org/search/sougata%252Broy (# Corresponding author)
  • Translation and translational control in dinoflagellates. Sougata Roy, Rosemary Jagus and David Morse.Microorganisms 6 (2). 30; doi:10.3390/microorganisms6020030.
  • Mathieu Beauchemin*, Sougata Roy*, Philippe Daoust, Steve Dagenais-Bellefeuille, Thierry Bertomeu, Louis Letourneau, B. Franz Lang and David Morse (2012). Dinoflagellate tandem array gene transcripts are highly conserved and not polycistronic. PNAS, 109(39):15793-8. (*equal contribution)
  • SougataRoy, Louis Letourneau and David Morse (2014). Cold-induced cysts of the photosynthetic dinoflagellate Lingulodinium have an arrested circadian bioluminescence rhythm and lower levels of protein phosphorylation. Plant Physiology, 164(2):966-77.
  • Sougata Roy*, Mathieu Beauchemin*, Steve Dagenais-Bellefeuille*, Louis Letourneau, Mario Cappadocia and David Morse (2014). The Lingulodinium circadian system lacks rhythmic changes in transcript abundance. BMC Biology, 12:107. DOI10.1186/s12915-014-0107-z.
  • Sougata Roy and David Morse (2012). A full suite of histone and histone modifying genes are transcribed in the dinoflagellate Lingulodinium. PloS ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0034340.
  • Sougata Roy and David Morse (2014). The dinoflagellate Lingulodinium has predicted Casein Kinase 2 sites in many RNA binding proteins. Protist, 165: 330-342.
  • Mathieu Beauchemin*, Sougata Roy*, Sarah Pelletier, Alexandra Averback, Frederic Lanthier and David Morse (2015). Characterization of two dinoflagellate cold shock domain proteins. mSphere 1(1): e00034-15. doi:10.1128/mSphere.00034-15. (*equal contribution)
  • Sougata Roy and David Morse (2013). Transcription and maturation of mRNA in Dinoflagellates. Microorganisms 1, 71-99; doi:10.3390/microorganisms1010071.
  • Sougata Roy, Rosemary Jagus and David Morse (2018). Translation and translational control in dinoflagellates. Microorganisms 6 (2). 30; doi:10.3390/microorganisms6020030.
  • Sougata Roy and D. K. De (2010). The action of chicory (Cichorium intybus l.) root extracts on bacteria. Forage Research, 36 (2): 118-120.
  • Sougata Roy and D. K. De (2009). Study of seed protein and isozyme diversity in ricebean (Vigna umbellate l.) genotypes. Forage Research, 35 (1):1–4.
  • Sougata Roy, D. K. De and P. Bandyopadhayay (2006). Correlation and path coefficient analysis of forage yield components in Oat (Avena sativa L.). Forage Research, 32 (1): 51-55.
Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka
