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Vagisha Bhatia

YIF Class of 2022

B.A. (Honours) Economics
Dyal Singh College, University of Delhi

An Economics graduate, Finance enthusiast and a Risk Analyst by training, Vagisha has a fascination for science and a penchant for literature, history, music and culture. Living in proximity to Delhi has given her the privilege of exploring the rich heritage of the city at close quarters. Usually weaving words into poems and people into stories, Vagisha is a voracious reader and a grounded dreamer. She always strives to line up her life with the ‘next big adventure’, which could be as tedious as committing to study for Actuarial exams, and as engrossing as chasing a comet for a week and writing a poem about it. Being a curious observer, it is no surprise that her favourite conversations start with ‘Why?’.

Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka