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Selling Planet Earth: Re-purposing Science Communications for Sustainable Human Wellbeing

Webinar - Tuesday, 13 Oct 2020 | 7:00 - 8:00 PM

Office of PR & Communications

13 October, 2020 | 2 min read

Ashoka University invites high school students and teachers for the next Scientifically Speaking lecture Selling Planet Earth: Re-purposing Science Communications for Sustainable Human Wellbeing on Tuesday, 13 Oct 2020 at 7 PM. 

Register now!

Scientists are being encouraged to ‘go public’ with our science, it is less clear as to how our current science communications are effectively addressing the long-term planetary concerns that confront society.  This talk presents the provocative view that scientists – as the interface between the research organisations that produce knowledge and the wider public who could use that knowledge – are akin to marketers in the business world. Drawing from the dominant paradigms that shape business marketing, it re-considers our prevailing models of science communication and their consequent sense of purpose. It argues that addressing issues of long-term sustainability will require not only re-thinking communication practice within universities but also radical institutional regime change towards universities becoming purpose-driven organisations.

Iain Stewart
Visiting Professor, Environmental Studies – Ashoka University
Professor, Geoscience Communication, &
Director, Sustainable Earth Institute – University of Plymouth   

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