Webinar | Defence Modernisation in India: Challenges and Implications | Admiral Arun Prakash | Former Indian Navy Chief
September 5, 2020 | Saturday | 5:00 - 6:00 pm IST
Office of PR & Communications
2 September, 2020 | 1 min readGreetings! The Ashoka Distinguished Policy Speaker Series cordially invites you to a distinguished lecture by, Admiral Arun Prakash, Former Chief of Naval Staff, Indian Navy on September 5, 2020. He will be delivering the talk on – Defence Modernisation in India: Challenges and Implications.
India is bound to pay a heavy price in the long term, if it continues to compromise its superiority in military power balance against China and Pakistan. With the recent skirmishes on the border with China and continuing intrusion in Kashmir, it is clearly implied that both China and Pakistan have a diabolical plan to destabilize India. New Delhi should be cautious of this trap and should prepare its military machine keeping the fox traps in mind. Since Diplomacy and Military go hand in hand, India’s growth would be based on its ability to establish itself as a credible military power. The need for the modernization of weapon systems and defense infrastructure as well as indigenization of the arms industry is paramount for such a goal. What should India’s strategy for defense modernisation be? Should it be developed keeping in mind the capabilities or threats? Is it possible to do it within the limited budget? This distinguished lecture over webinar by one of foremost security experts, India’s former Navy Chief Admiral Arun Prakash will touch upon these aspects.
Speaker’s Bio
Admiral Arun Prakash is a former Flag Officer of the Indian Navy, who has served as the Chief of the Naval Staff and the Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee. He is one of India’s most decorated naval officers having been awarded the Vir Chakra, Param Vishist Sena Medal (PVSM), Ati Vishist Seva Medal, and the Vishisht Sena Medal (VSM) among other gallantry and military awards and has played an important role in renewing the Indian Navy’s relationship with the United States Navy.
The talk will be followed by a moderated Q&A session. For any queries, comments and suggestions please contact ashokadistinguishedpolicyspeakerseries@ashoka.edu.i