Conference on Empirical and Computational Social Sciences in India
The purpose of the conference was to take stock of empirical social science research on India, specifically on three broad themes – democratic institutions, social and political inequalities and collective action.
Office of PR & Communications
16 December, 2018 | 5 Mins readThe Conference on Empirical and Computational Social Sciences in India was held at Ashoka University from 13th -15th December with the intention of building a community of scholars who are commited to understanding the complex social and political processes that India presents.The conference aimed delineate the contours of a research agenda around democratic institutions, social and political inequalities and collective action.
During the conference a ‘Workshop on Empirical and Computational Social Sciences in India’ was held on the 15th of December. During the conference, molules such as Building UIs and evaluating measurement models in R, Analyzing human language data using Hindi film dialogues and Interpreting and visualizing data on violence were covered.