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Institutional Review Board (IRB) Workshop

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Ethics review processes are an integral part of a University’s research culture, serving at times to sharpen and clarify our projects to readers and reviewers across disciplines, and protecting the integrity of our subjects and research practices.  Over the last two years at Ashoka, we have tried to streamline IRB processes by following globally mandated research norms, creating a user-friendly online portal for researchers at Ashoka for research project review and approval, and mandating that all researchers undertake the Collaborative IRB Training Initiative (CITI), a globally recognized training program in research ethics.

In order to raise awareness and familiarize Ashokans with IRB processes, the portal and CITI training programs, we are organizing a workshop in which we will demonstrate the use of the submission portal, and walk you through the basics of the CITI courses. If your research involves or could involve human subjects, then do consider these processes a priority.

To register for the workshop, please click here.

If you have any queries, please contact us at irb@ashoka.edu.in

The workshop will be conducted online:

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/99927762714?pwd=NVdSYTVaWEVSaHpYaWtGaE4wanpWQT09

Date: 22 November 2022

Time: 5:00p.m- 6:00p.m

Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka
